Update Ebmbook Pro EPOS Software

You should have the updated version of the Ebmbook Software in order to experience the best of the Ebmbook.

Update ebmb epos software

You will love Ebmbook even more if you have the latest version installed.

How to Update Ebmbook Pro POS Software?

On regular basis we’re updating the Ebmbook Pro EPOS software in order to make it simpler, faster, add extra features as per your requests and most importantly convert the EPOS into much user-friendly EPOS software.


99% of the time, Ebmbook will automatically update to the latest version as soon as you connected to stable internet connection.


Manually update the Ebmbook Pro POS software from the download page or follow these steps for license key:

  • Login to the Back-Office.  Use your admin email and back-office password.
  • Locate the License Key at the bottom of the Ebmbook Central website to copy.
  • Finally, click on the file that you have downloaded to your computer and follow the on screen instructions.

Note: You can also download the software from list of software packages available for download.  You can either download 32bit or 64bit depends on the version of your operating system.