The Ebmbook EPOS software is Pre-installed, activated and ready to use in the POS Hardware systems that we providing you with.
Full Ebmbook EPOS System including Hardware
Brand New Design POS Hardware System From £1250 (Including EPOS Software & Customer Display)
Brand New Design AURES POS system in Red From £1350 (Including EPOS Software & Customer Display)
Refurbished POS Full System FROM £950 (Including EPOS Software & Customer Display)
Refurbished JS-225 Wide screen POS FROM £850 (Including EPOS Software, Till & Printer)
All-in-one Full POS System with HD Customer display, Scanner & Printer. (EBMB SAM4S £970 with POS Software)
For any different POS systems such as Windows Tablets or even cheaper systems please get hold of us and we will be more than happy giving you the best prices based on your budget.